How Smoking Became A Global Habit

Rishika Baranwal

Smoking, once a niche practice, has become a global habit. Discover how it evolved from ancient rituals to a worldwide phenomenon.

Ancient Beginnings

Indigenous peoples in the Americas used tobacco in sacred rituals. The Aztecs, Maya, and Incas were early adopters of smoking.

European Introduction

Christopher Columbus introduced tobacco to Europe in the 15th century. It quickly became popular among European elites and spread throughout the continent.

Global Spread

As European colonists spread tobacco, smoking became global. By the 19th and 20th centuries, it was a common practice worldwide due to mass production and marketing.

Health Awareness

In the mid-20th century, health risks of smoking, like cancer, were highlighted. This led to regulations and public health campaigns aimed at reducing smoking rates.

Current Trends

Smoking rates are falling in many developed countries, but remain high in others. New alternatives like e-cigarettes are shaping the future of smoking habits.