How Long Did Ravana Live? Unraveling The Legend

Sneha Singh

Ravana’s Epic Penace

According to the Ravana Samhita, Ravana engaged in intense penance for an astonishing 10,000 years. His devotion was marked by a ritual where he cut off one of his heads every 1,000 years.

The Boon From Brahma

After severing nine heads, Brahma appeared before Ravana. The demon king requested immunity from being defeated by any divine being, demon, celestial being, human, serpent, kinnara, or yaksha.

The Divine Warning

Brahma granted Ravana’s boon but warned that he would still be vulnerable to humans and monkeys. Despite this, Ravana’s power was immense.

Worshiping Shiva

Legend has it that Ravana spent 1,000 years worshiping Shiva by lifting Mount Kailash. His devotion was as legendary as his power.

The Rule Of Lanka

Ravana is said to have ruled Lanka for 72 Chaukadi Kalas, each lasting 400 years. This totals an incredible 28,800 years of reign.

The Final Defeat

Despite his extended rule, Ravana was ultimately defeated by Lord Rama after reportedly living for over 41,000 years. His legacy remains a profound part of mythological history.