Kritika Handa

How Can Smoking Affect Your Sexual Health?

Smoking can decrease sexual desire by affecting blood flow and hormone levels, leading to a diminished interest in sexual activity.

Reduced Libido

Nicotine and other chemicals in cigarettes impair blood circulation, making it difficult for men to achieve or maintain an erection.

Erectile Dysfunction

Smoking damages sperm quality and reduces fertility in men, while in women, it affects ovarian function and egg quality.

Decreased Fertility

Smoking can impair stamina and sexual performance by reducing overall cardiovascular health and affecting lung function, leading to fatigue.

Compromised Sexual Performance

Smokers are more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors, which can increase their susceptibility to sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Increased Risk of STIs

Smoking can impair sensory experience and satisfaction by affecting circulation and nerve function, reducing overall pleasure during sexual activity.

Negative Impact on Sexual Satisfaction