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Horoscope today, 18 May 2023:  With the grace of Lord Vishnu, fortune will shine; details here

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Horoscope today, 18 May 2023: Today's date is 18 May 2023 and the day is Thursday. With the grace of Vishnu ji, these zodiac signs including Aries, Taurus, Gemini are likely to get progress in job and business. Know here today's horoscope of all 12 zodiac signs...

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Aries Today there will be good news from the government and the government. Success in employment. Good news can be heard from the child's side. Favorable time for students. be in good shape. There can be a quarrel with the partner. Lucky Number- 3 Lucky Colour- Maroon

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Taurus Need to be more careful in love relationship. Personal relationship can open due to zodiac lord Venus being with Mars. Apart from the partner, the disorientation of the mind can also happen here and there. Keep the mind from becoming unstable. Lucky Number- 4 lucky color - pink

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Gemini The position of Rashi lord with Sun, Rahu and Jupiter can be harmful in terms of health. Economic situation can prove beneficial. Salary increase in the lives of employed people. Lucky Number- 6 Lucky Colour- Coral Green

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Cancer You may feel disoriented, nervous, or depressed. Expectation of increase in income. Time is favorable for government job. You can be successful in getting the government job of your choice. Respect will increase. Good time for money. Lucky Number- 8 lucky color - blue

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Leo Possibility of travel related to government work. If possible, try to avoid travel. If you have to do it, do it carefully. Control expenses. There will be profit in property related matters. Expenses can also increase. Lucky Number- 3 lucky color - white

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Virgo People looking for jobs in the public sector can get good news. Health will be soft. You may be in a mood to roam around, but avoid it. Good time for people associated with social service. Lucky Number- 7 Lucky Colour- Saffron

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Libra The sum of the arrival of money, but the expenses will also be ready along with it. Chances of success regarding career. Employed people will be praised in their workplace. The businessman can get prestige and fame. Lucky Number- 6 lucky color - orange

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Scorpio Don't trust anyone too much. There will be attraction towards the opposite gender. You will get the fruit of your bravery. Keep the mind calm. There will be many opportunities for job change. Business will be very profitable. You will get peace with your partner. Lucky Number- 2 lucky color - red

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Sagittarius Sum of success in competitive examination. Save your mind from getting confused. Promotion time is near. Be careful in the workplace. Married life will be satisfied, will be happy. Lucky Number- 4 lucky color - yellow

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Capricorn Strong financial position. Beware of opponents or enemies. Don't blindly trust an unknown person. Uncertainties may have to be faced. Take a decision after thinking. lucky number-8 lucky color - sky blue

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Aquarius Promotion and change in job. Those associated with the business of sports, they can also earn a lot of profit during this period. Investment can give good returns. Love and married life will be good. Lucky Number- 1 lucky color - black

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Pisces People working in government departments are likely to get progress and success in life. Profit in business. Take care of your health. Married life will be peaceful. There will be less domestic distress. Lucky Number- 5 Lucky Colour- Teal Blue