Homemade Drinks To Reduce Bloating Instantly 

Rishika Baranwal

Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is a natural remedy for bloating. Boil fresh ginger slices in water, strain, and enjoy to soothe your stomach.

Fennel Seed Water

Fennel seeds are known for their digestive benefits. Soak a teaspoon of fennel seeds in water overnight and drink it in the morning to ease bloating.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea relaxes your digestive muscles and helps reduce bloating. Brew fresh peppermint leaves or use a tea bag for a quick fix.

Lemon Water

Lemon water acts as a natural diuretic. Squeeze fresh lemon juice into warm water and drink it to reduce bloating and detoxify your system.

Cucumber and Mint Cooler

Cucumber is hydrating and mint aids digestion. Blend cucumber slices with fresh mint leaves and water for a refreshing drink that fights bloating.

Apple Cider Vinegar Drink

Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water. Drink it before meals to improve digestion and prevent bloating.