Health Reasons To Soak Your Mangoes Before Consumption

Samridhi Garg

Removes Anti-Nutrients

Soaking mangoes helps reduce phytic acid, an anti-nutrient that can interfere with the absorption of minerals such as calcium, iron, and zinc.

Reduces Heat

Mangoes are known to be "heat-producing" fruits. Soaking them in water for 30 minutes to an hour can help neutralize this effect, making them safer to consume, especially in hot weather.

Eliminates Chemical Residues

Soaking mangoes can help remove any chemical residues, such as pesticides or preservatives, that might be on the fruit's skin, ensuring you consume a cleaner, healthier fruit.

Improves Digestion

Soaking mangoes can help reduce the chances of digestive issues such as bloating or indigestion, as it helps to neutralize certain enzymes in the fruit that can cause discomfort.

Reduces Allergens

For some people, mango skin can cause an allergic reaction. Soaking mangoes can help reduce the potential allergens on the skin, making them safer to eat.

Enhances Flavor

Some believe that soaking mangoes enhances their natural sweetness and flavor, making them more enjoyable to eat.

Hydrates the Fruit

Soaking mangoes can increase their water content, making them juicier and more refreshing, especially during the summer months.

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