Get Flawless Skin With These 7 Ice Cube Recipes



Mix lemon juice, water, and a splash of rose water. Freeze to make lemon rose water ice cubes for a refreshing glow.


Boil neem leaves, strain the water, and let it cool. Add aloe vera gel. Freeze to make ice cubes and massage your face every morning.


Soak rice in water for 30 minutes, drain, and collect the rice water. Freeze to make ice cubes. Use regularly for glowing skin.


Extract tomato juice and freeze it into ice cubes. Rub these on your face for a brightening effect.

Green Tea

Brew a cup of green tea, let it cool, and freeze in an ice cube tray. Apply daily to reduce redness and tanning.


Boil fresh rose petals in water, cool, and freeze the mixture into ice cubes. Use one daily for skin hydration.


Mix coconut water with regular water. Freeze into ice cubes and rub one on your face daily for a natural glow.

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