Gen-Z Dating Terms You Must Know

Rishika Baranwal

Stay Updated with the Latest Dating Lingo

As dating culture evolves, so does its language. Here are six essential Gen Z dating terms you must know.


Ghosting is when someone suddenly cuts off all communication without any explanation.


Breadcrumbing involves sending sporadic, non-committal messages to keep someone interested without any intention of pursuing a serious relationship.


Benching is when someone keeps you on the sidelines as a backup while they explore other options.

Cuffing Season

Cuffing season refers to the colder months when people are more inclined to seek out serious relationships to spend the winter holidays with someone.


A situationship is a romantic relationship that lacks clear labels or commitments.


Zombieing is when someone who previously ghosted you suddenly comes back into your life as if nothing happened.

Master Modern Dating

Staying informed about these terms can help you navigate the complexities of modern dating.