Gauri Khan's Healthy Morning Ritual


 Starting the day with soaked dry fruits or seeds is commonly seen as beneficial for health.

Healthy Morning Choices

Gauri Khan prefers eating chocolate on an empty stomach each morning, as shared in a recent interview.

Gauri Khan's Choice

 A 2021 study suggested a potential link between chocolate consumption and weight loss among menopausal women.

Chocolate and Health

Research indicated that consuming 100 grams of milk chocolate in the morning lowered blood sugar levels and increased fat burning.

Effects on Blood Sugar

Nutrition experts recommend a balanced breakfast with complex carbs like oatmeal to replace chocolate.

Expert Advice

A morning meal should include protein sources like eggs, yogurt, or nuts for sustained energy.

Protein Intake

If opting for chocolate on an empty stomach, choose dark chocolate with 70% cocoa in limited quantities, such as 30 grams.

Chocolate Moderation