Fueling Muscle Growth: Top Foods to Build Muscle Faster and Stronger

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Lean Proteins Protein is essential for muscle building because it provides the amino acids necessary for muscle repair and growth. Lean protein sources are low in saturated fat, making them ideal choices. Why: Amino acids from proteins are the building blocks of muscle tissue.

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Chicken Breast Skinless chicken breast is a lean source of protein. Why: It's low in fat and provides a high-quality protein.

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Greek Yogurt Greek yogurt is high in protein and often contains probiotics, which can support digestive health. Why: Protein for muscle growth and a healthy gut for nutrient absorption.

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Eggs Eggs are an excellent source of complete protein and contain essential vitamins and minerals. Why The protein and nutrients in eggs promote muscle growth and overall health.

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Tofu Tofu is a plant-based source of protein, suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Why: Provides protein and is versatile in various dishes.

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Nuts and Seeds Almonds, peanuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds provide healthy fats and protein. Why: Healthy fats support overall health and protein aids muscle repair.

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Cottage Cheese Cottage cheese is a protein-rich dairy option. Why: Its slow-digesting casein protein can be beneficial before bedtime for muscle recovery during sleep.