From Vastu Tips To Feng Shui: All-Round Benefits Of Jade Plant

The small tree-like shrub has round dark green leaves, who won't like this cute plant?

Jade plant isn't just a beauty but also has a dozen benefits for all the spheres of one's life.

If you want wealth, luck, and progress, keep this plant at your entrance. Let good vibes enter your home.

As per Feng Shui, the southeast direction brings wealth and luxury, so placing a jade plant here is auspicious. According to Vastu, this direction belongs to Venus.

Keep this plant in the east direction if you want to promote health, harmony, and great business.

The west direction is also great for a jade plant as it adds to creativity and children's luck.

Feng Shui alert! Don't keep it in the washroom unless you want your wealth and luck to be washed away.

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