France Is Spending 200 Millions To Destry Surplus Wine! You MUST Know Why? 

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French government allocated 200 Million Euros (Rs 17,82,29,92,656) to destroy surplus wine.

 200 Million Euros 

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The reason is to provide aide to wine producers who are struggling currently. 

To Support Wine Makers

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Owing to the Russia-Ukraine war, many started avoiding expenses on luxury like buying wine.

 Russia-Ukraine War

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Growing popularity of craft beer is also a reason that wine is being ignored. 

Craft Beer Popularity 

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After-effects of COVID-19 have also added to the problem.

Covid-19 Aftermath 

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Wine overproduction is also the reason that French government directed to the destruction.  

Wine Overproduction 

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A huge part of money will be used for buying excess stock and alcohol extract from it will be sold. 

 To Buy Excess Alcohol

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 The sell will be made to companies who will use it for items like cleansing products, hand sanitisers, perfumes, etc

Cleansing Matetial 

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The allocation aims at stopping prices collapsing so that winemakers can find sources of revenue again.

To Halt Price Collpase

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European Commission data this year till June revealed that the wine consumption has fallen 15 per cent in France.

15% Fall In Wine Purchase