Kritika Handa

Foods You Should Never Pair Up With Chai

Lemon and chai can create an unpleasant sour and bitter combination that might upset the stomach.

Lemon-Based Foods

Mixing salty foods with chai can overwhelm the flavors and cause bloating.

Salty Snacks

Fried foods paired with chai can lead to indigestion due to excessive oil content.

Fried Foods

The acidity of citrus fruits clashes with the tannins in tea, reducing its flavor and effectiveness.

Citrus Fruits

Chocolate and chai may cause an overly rich taste, leading to an uncomfortable, heavy feeling.


The light, watery taste of raw vegetables can conflict with the bold flavors of chai.

Raw Vegetables

Combining dairy-heavy yogurt with chai may cause digestive issues due to conflicting dairy sources.

Yogurt-Based Dishes

Vegetarian Kebabs That Will Leave You Awestruck