Foods That Help You In Weight Gain

Simran Rajpal 

Homemade Smoothies 

Making your own protein smoothies at home can offer a highly nutritious and efficient method to increase weight.

Dairy Milk 

For decades, dairy milk has been utilized as a means to gain weight or build muscle.


Rice serves as a convenient and affordable source of carbohydrates, suitable for those aiming to gain weight.

Nuts and nut butter

Incorporating nuts and nut butter into your diet can complement a weight gain-focused eating plan.

Red meat

Red meats like beef or pork stand out as one of the most effective foods for building muscle mass.

Potatoes and complex carbohydrates

Utilizing potatoes and other complex carbohydrates provides a budget-friendly way to boost calorie intake.

Salmon and oily fish

Similar to red meats, salmon and oily fish offer valuable protein and essential fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, aiding in muscle development and overall health.