Food Waste Useful For Your Garden

Rishika Baranwal

Potato Peels

Rich in nutrients like potassium and phosphorus, they boost soil health and encourage robust plant growth.

Citrus Rinds

Acidic peels enrich compost, balance pH levels, and naturally repel pests while adding a dose of vitamin C to the soil.

Coffee Grounds

Used grounds provide nitrogen, deter pests like snails, and act as a beneficial mulch for plants.


Crushed shells fortify soil with calcium, deter pests, and release nutrients gradually for long-term plant health.

Tea Bags

Tannins in used tea bags acidify soil, benefiting acid-loving plants like roses and hydrangeas.

Vegetable Scraps

From carrot tops to onion skins, composting vegetable scraps enriches soil with essential vitamins and minerals.