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Food helps in recovering from dengue 

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Papaya leaves are believed to have medicinal properties and are often used in traditional remedies.

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To control the spread of the disease, numerous health practitioners suggest incorporating Tulsi, Ashwagandha, Ginger, Giloy (an Ayurvedic herb), and Aloe Vera into one's regular diet.

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Coconut water is a refreshing and hydrating natural drink with electrolytes and essential nutrients.

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Turmeric is a vibrant spice known for its distinctive flavor and potential health benefits, often used in traditional medicine.

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Fenugreek is an aromatic herb with a slightly bitter taste, commonly used in cooking and as a traditional remedy for various health conditions.

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Oranges are juicy citrus fruits packed with vitamin C and other essential nutrients.

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Warm water is consumed for its soothing properties and potential health benefits.