Fold Mosquito Net in 8 easy steps;  keep mosquitoes, insects at bay

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Here are eight easy steps:

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Breaking Down a Pop-Up Mosquito Net

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Pinch the middle of the top of the net with your  left hand and lift up. Grab the corner of the net  closest to you with your right hand as you lift  up on the net.

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Place the two remaining sections on top of one another. Grab the net's left section with your left hand and the right section with your right. Bring the two pieces together and align the edges.

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Hold the net with both hands at the zipper line.  The zipper line is horizontal, close to the top,  and runs the entire length of the net.

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Squeeze both net sides toward each other.  With both hands, push inward to bring the  edges as close together as possible. Push the net down and away from you as you squeeze.

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With your left hand, grab the outer edge of  the leftmost section. Maintain your right hand's  grip on the pinched section.

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Grab the top edge of the pinched section with  your left hand. Keep pinching the net with your  right hand. Pull the pinched section directly  over and on top of the other two sections.

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 Place the folded net in a suitable carrying case. Wrap the mosquito net in a thick rubber band. Most mosquito nets come with a case and a  rubber band, but you can find them at most  sporting goods stores.