Fire in Every Bite: Unveiling the World's Hottest Chilli Peppers 


Its color is bright red and it can be 2 to 5 cm long

Cayenne Pepper

The Manzano pepper is one of the most fascinating hot chili peppers. It is harvest in Perù and Bolivia

Manzano Rocoto pepper

Scotch bonnet, also known as bonney peppers, or Caribbean red peppers is a variety of chili pepper named for its resemblance to a tam o’ shanter hat

Scotch Bonner pepper

The Habanero Red Savina is part of the Capsicum chinense family

Habanero Red Savina pepper

The Bhut Jolokia chilli, also known as the Holy Pepper, is believed to be originated in India

Hot pepper Bhut Jolokia

The Naga Morich, also known as “The Snake”, comes from southern Bangladesh

Naga Morich hot chili pepper

It Originates from Trinidad and Tobago

Trinidad Moruga

The Carolina Reaper is a hybrid chili of the Chinense Capsicum species, (the hottest pepper family that exists)

Carolina Reaper