Fascinating Facts: 7 Animals That Don't Have Bones



These gelatinous creatures have no bones and are made up of a soft, jelly-like substance. They rely on water propulsion for movement.


Octopuses have a soft body with no bones. They are highly flexible and can squeeze through tight spaces due to their lack of a rigid skeleton.


Similar to octopuses, squids have a soft body with no bones. They have a muscular mantle and use jet propulsion for movement.

Sea Cucumbers

These marine animals have a soft, cylindrical body with no bones. They can be found on the ocean floor, where they play important roles in marine ecosystems.


Many species of worms, such as earthworms and marine worms, lack bones. They have soft, elongated bodies.


Slugs are gastropod molluscs that have a soft, slimy body without any bones. They move by contracting and expanding their muscular foot.


Like slugs, snails are gastropod molluscs with a soft body and no bones. They typically have a spiral shell on their back, which provides protection but is not made of bone.

Non-Aquatic Animals With Great Breath-Holding Abilities