Famous Singer Discusses Trying Fish Sperm Dish with Kapil Sharma

Divya Pandey

Netflix Episode 

This episode has been streamed on Netflix. In this, Ed Sheeran has talked about many aspects related to his life.

Ed Sheeran 

Famous Hollywood singer Ed Sheeran recently made it to The Big Kapil Sharma Show

Ed Sheeran Strangest Dish 

During this, Ed Sheeran mentioned the strangest dish he had ever eaten.


This dish is also called "Shirako" and is made from fish testicles

Japan Fish Sperm Dish 

According to Ed Sheeran, the strangest food he has ever eaten was Japan's fish sperm dish.

Ed Sheeran Favorite Dish 

Ed mentioned that many people enthusiastically enjoyed this dish, but he didn't like it at all.

Type Of Fish 

This type of fish product is typically derived from the sperm sacs of cod, pufferfish, or anglerfish.