Exquisiteness At Its Peak; 7 Most Beautiful Birds In The World 


Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise

Wilson's bird-of-paradise lives in the lowland rainforests of Eastern Indonesia, Australia, and Papua New Guinea, where it feeds on fruits and insects.

Red-necked Tanager

This brilliant tanager, known as one of the world's most colorful birds, enjoys hanging out in the treetops and eating various fruits and insects.

Spangled Cotinga

This beauty is often spotted perched on dead treetops or feasting on fruits and insects, and you may recognize him by his turquoise body and deep pink or wine throat.

Mandarin Duck

Even if you're not into all that mushy stuff, you'll admire the magnificent beauty of the mandarin duck, which comes in a variety of dazzling colors like as gold, green, blue, white, and purple.

Keel-billed Toucan

The keel-billed toucan is the most colorful of the over 40 toucan species, with a beak that is red, yellow, orange, blue, and green. This toucan's body is predominantly black, with a yellow throat and chest.

Blue-Crowned Pigeon

The blue-crowned pigeon, also known as the western-crowned pigeon, is a unique pigeon that is regarded as one of the most beautiful in the world.

Common Kingfisher

These little birds, which can be found all over the world around ponds, rivers, and lakes, have an astonishing ability for diving into the water and catching small fish or crustaceans with their long, dagger-like beaks.