Saurav Gupta
Securing the top spot, India boasts a massive population, making it a cultural and demographic giant.
Neck and neck with India, China's population plays a pivotal role on the global stage, influencing various aspects of the world economy.
While significantly smaller than India and China, the United States remains a demographic powerhouse, known for its diverse population and cultural contributions.
With a rapidly growing population, Indonesia is a key player in Southeast Asia, both economically and culturally.
Pakistan's substantial population underscores its significance in South Asia, impacting regional dynamics and development.
As the most populous country in Africa, Nigeria's large and diverse population shapes its role on the continent and in global affairs.
The largest country in South America, Brazil's population reflects its vibrant culture and economic influence in the region.
Despite its relatively small land area, Bangladesh has a dense population, contributing to its importance in regional affairs.
Russia's vast landmass is home to a substantial population, impacting its geopolitical standing and cultural identity.
Closing the list, Mexico's population contributes to its status as a major player in North America, with significant economic and cultural ties.
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