Exploring The Unusual: Bizarre Tribal Traditions From Across The Globe

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In Africa, it is a traditional norm for the women to wear a piece of large pottery or wooden discs or ‘plates’ in their lower lips

Lip Plates

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The Kayan women of eastern Burma wear brass rings around the neck as a sign of beauty

Neck rings

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The Kaningara people of Papua New Guinea follow this tradition of scarification to mark the transition from boyhood to manhood


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Ikipalin is a typical mourning practice where the tribe will cut off a portion of every woman’s finger who was close to the deceased.

Cutting off fingers

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Yanomami tribe who live in the Amazon rainforests eat the flesh of their dead relatives


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Toraja region of Sulawesi, Indonesia, living with dead members of the family for years after their death is not unusual

Living with the dead

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Satere-Mawe people of Brazil follow the initiation rites of wearing ant-gloves in order to become ‘real’ men

Bullet Ant Gloves

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In this tradition men put on a spectacular show to impress the women in a festival called Yaki

Stealing wives

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In Sambia, when a boy turns seven, he is removed from the presence of all female and supposed to consume semen of an older man for the next ten years

Semen drinking