Aman Trivedi

Explore 7 Bizarre Things Happened On Earth

The Tunguska Event

A massive explosion occurred in the Tunguska region of Siberia on June 30, 1908. The shockwave was felt over 1000 kms away

The Wow Signal

A radio telescope in Ohia detected a powerful narrowband radio signal that lasted for 72 seconds, the researcher wrote 'WOW' after the unusual event

The Dancing Plague of 1518

In July 1518 Hundreds of people joined a woman dancing uncontrollably in the streets in Strasbourg

The Voynich Manuscript

Extracted coconut palm tree flower buds, coconut sugar lower fructose content.

The Voyanich Manuscript is a mysterious book from the 15th century. Despite many attempts to decipher the book, it remains a mystery.

The Blood Falls

Extracted coconut palm tree flower buds, coconut sugar lower fructose content.

A natural phenomenon in Antarctica where the glacier discharges a red-coloured liquid into a saltwater pool.

The Taos Hum

Extracted coconut palm tree flower buds, coconut sugar lower fructose content.

A low-pitched humming noise has been heard for decades by the Residents of the town of Taos, New Mexico.

The Green Children of Woolpit

Extracted coconut palm tree flower buds, coconut sugar lower fructose content.

In the 12th century, 2 green-coloured skin kids were wandering near Woolpit, England. They claimed to have come from, the world of eternal twilight, which remains a mystery. 

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