Expert Tips for Deep and Relaxing Sleep

Rishika Baranwal

Stick to a Schedule

Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day to regulate your body's internal clock.

Optimize Your Environment

Create a cool, quiet, and dark sleep environment. Invest in comfortable bedding and consider using earplugs or a white noise machine.

Limit Screen Time

Avoid screens (phones, tablets, computers) for at least an hour before bed to avoid disrupting your sleep hormone production.

Mind Your Diet

Avoid heavy meals, caffeine, and nicotine close to bedtime. Alcohol can disrupt sleep patterns, so consume it in moderation.

Practice Relaxation

Wind down with relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or a warm bath/shower before bed.

Watch Your Naps

Limit daytime naps to 20-30 minutes and avoid napping late in the afternoon to ensure they don’t interfere with nighttime sleep.