Essential Vitamins That Can Improve Brain Functioning 

Divya Pandey

Numerous vitamin are crucial for maintaining the health and functionality of the brain.

The following essential vitamins are well known for enhancing brain function: 

Vitamin B6

Neurotransmitters essential for mood control and brain function, including dopamine and serotonin are synthesized with the help of vitamin B6

Folate (Vitamin B9) 

Folate contributes to neurotransmitter synthesis and is essential for the synthesis and repair DNA.

Vitamin D

 For immune system function, brain health and many other things, vitamin D is a fat soluble nutrient.

Vitamin B12 

Maintaining the health of nerve cells and assisting in the synthesis of neurotransmitters require vitamin B12.

Viamin C

Another potent antioxidants that aids in preventing oxidative stress on the brrain is vitamin C.