Zainab Khanam

Escape The Social Media Comparison Trap

Break Free From The Social Media Trap

Remember: Social media shows highlights, not reality. Here's how to stop comparing and start thriving.

Reality vs. Perception

Social media is a curated version of life, filled with filters and highlight reels. Don't let it define your worth.

Focus On Your Journey

Your growth and achievements are unique. Celebrate your progress, not someone else’s milestones.

Limit Screen Time

Spending less time on social media reduces feelings of inadequacy and boosts mental clarity.


Practice Gratitude

 Shift focus to what you have. Daily gratitude keeps you grounded and content.

Unfollow Toxic Accounts

Follow accounts that inspire and uplift you, not those that make you feel less than enough.

Invest In Real-Life Connections

Build meaningful relationships offline. Genuine connections offer real joy, not just likes or views.

Unplug To Reconnect: The Power Of A Digital Detox.