Eating Rice In Night? Reason You shouldn't

Divya Pandey

Caloric Intake

Rice has a high calorie content, thus eating it late at night may cause weight gain.

Digestive Process 

It takes longer to digest rice because it is a complex carbohydrate. Its late night consumption may cause digestive issue.

Blood Sugar Level 

Eating rice in the middle of the night can cause blood sugar surges, which can be dangerous, especially for diabetics.

Energy Levels 

Rice gives you fast energy boost, so eating it right before bed can disrupt your sleep.

Sleep Quality 

Some people discover that eating large or high carb meals like rice right before bedtime causes their sleep to be less restful.

Glycaemic Index 

Rice's high glycaemic index causes blood sugar level to rise.

Not A Nutrient Rich Option 

Nutrients including vitamins, good flats and protein are absent from rice.