Eat these Fruits to keep your  High Cholesterol at Bay

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High cholesterol levels harm not only your heart but the entire body. Have a look at the fruits that can lower your bad cholesterol.

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Here are five fruits that you should include in  your diet to control the high cholestrol level  in your body

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Banana This tropical fruit is loaded in fibre and mushy,  essential vitamins, and minerals, as well as sucrose, fructose, and glucose, which are all natural sugars.  According to health professionals, bananas' high potassium and fibre content helps.

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Orange:  Long-term orange juice consumers had lower levels  of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, apo B and  LDL/HDL ratio and an improvement of folate  and vitamin C in their diet. 

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Apple:  Apples have a high pectin content, making them  the best cholesterol-lowering food. Pectin,  a type of fibre, aids in the reduction of harmful cholesterol levels. Apples also contain polyphenols,  which can help lower cholesterol levels.

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Berries:  Berries, which include seasonal fruits such as  strawberries, cranberries, and blueberries, are high  in fibre and help to prevent the oxidation of harmful  cholesterol. The oxidation of cholesterol may cause  cardiovascular problems. 

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Avocado:  Although this fruit is unique and quite aristocratic among Indians, the oleic acid it contains can help  lower blood levels of harmful cholesterol.  Young folks and people who are concerned about  their diets like avocado toast.