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Menthol cigarettes are infused with menthol, a substance that provides a cooling sensation and minty flavor. Menthol is a popular choice among smokers for its perceived smoothness

Some cigarettes are flavored with fruit essences or extracts. Common fruit flavors include cherry, apple, grape, and strawberry. However, as mentioned earlier, flavored cigarettes are subject to restrictions in some places

Some cigarettes may incorporate spices or herbs to add a unique flavor. These can include cloves, cinnamon, and other aromatic herbs

Vanilla-flavored cigarettes have a sweet and creamy taste. However, like fruit-flavored cigarettes, vanilla-flavored products have faced restrictions in many regions

Coffee-flavored cigarettes attempt to replicate the taste of coffee. They may have a slightly bitter and rich flavor

Chocolate-flavored cigarettes have a sweet and cocoa-like taste. These flavors can be appealing to those who enjoy dessert-like profiles

Caramel-flavored cigarettes offer a sweet and buttery taste, similar to the confectionery flavor

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