Discover The Must-Try Culinary Delights Of Meghalaya

Sneha Singh

A traditional Khasi dish, Jadoh is essentially rice cooked with pork and flavored with a special blend of spices.


Doh Khlieh

This is a spicy pork salad that's popular in Meghalaya. The pork is typically marinated with onions, chilies, ginger, and lime juice, giving it a tangy and spicy flavor.


A staple food in Garo cuisine, Pumaloi is essentially steamed rice cakes wrapped in leaves.

Doh Neiiong

Another pork-based delicacy, Doh Neiiong is a dish where pork is cooked with black sesame seeds, giving it a distinctive nutty flavor.


This is a fermented soybean and black gram paste that's flavored with local herbs and spices.

Doh Snam

A spicy pork curry, Doh Snam is cooked with black sesame seeds, ginger, and a variety of local spices.


For dessert lovers, Pukhlein is a sweet dish made from powdered rice, jaggery (unrefined cane sugar), and sesame seeds.