Discover India's 7 Remarkable Contributions To Mathematics


Invention Of Zero

Around the 7th century CE, Indian mathematicians introduced zero as both a number and a placeholder, transforming arithmetic operations.

Decimal System

The base-10 positional notation system, developed in India during the 1st century CE, greatly facilitated calculations globally.

Negative Numbers

Indian scholars were the first to utilize and establish rules for negative numbers in the 7th century CE.

Pi Approximation

In the 12th century, Madhava made significant strides in approximating π using infinite series, a method that anticipated European approaches.

Contributions To Algebra

Indian mathematicians made substantial advances in algebra, solving complex equations and influencing subsequent Arabic mathematical works.

Bakhshali Manuscript

Dating to around the 7th century, this ancient Indian text contains the earliest known use of the dot-zero symbol.

Binomial Theorem

By the 6th century CE, Indian mathematicians were applying the binomial theorem for polynomial expansions.