Discover How Long a Day Lasts On Each Planet In Our Solar System

Aman Trivedi


Mercury completes one rotation on its axis in 58.6 days on Earth.


Venus rotates so slowly on its axis that a day on Venus is almost equivalent to 243 days on Earth.


Mars has a day that is 24 hours and 37 minutes long, which is why it is often seen as Earth's twin.


The duration of a day on Jupiter depends on how fast its magnetic field rotates, lasting for nine hours and 55 minutes.


Planetary scientists have determined that the official day length of Saturn is ten hours and 33 minutes.


Uranus takes 17 hours and 14 minutes to complete one rotation on its axis, in contrast to Earth's 24-hour rotation.


Neptune, the gas giant, rotates every 15 hours, moulding its turbulent atmosphere with powerful winds.

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