Sunny Priyan

Discover How Desert Animals Thrive In Arid Environments

Animals like camels and kangaroo rats store water and minimize water loss through specialized kidneys and reduced sweating.

Water Conservation

Desert animals like owls and desert foxes, are nocturnal. They are basically are active at night to avoid extreme daytime heat.

Nocturnal Activity

Animals like fennec foxes have large ears to release heat, while others, like the thorny devil lizard, collect dew for hydration.

Efficient Cooling Systems

Thick fur or skin helps retain moisture and protects from the sun’s heat.

Insulating Fur And Skin

Animals like rodents and tortoises burrow underground to escape high daytime temperatures.

Burrowing Behaviour

Desert animals adapt by eating water-storing plants or opportunistically feeding on moisture-rich insects and small animals to stay hydrated.

Specialized Diet

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