Discover Countries With 1% Hindu Population

Samridhi Garg


With a Hindu population of around 1%, Bangladesh has a significant number of Hindus who contribute to the cultural and religious diversity of the country.


In Fiji, Hindus make up approximately 1% of the population. The community is well-integrated, with Hindu temples and festivals playing a vital role in Fijian culture.


Pakistan has a small Hindu population of about 1%, primarily concentrated in the Sindh province. Despite being a minority, Hindus have a rich history and cultural presence in the country.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka's Hindu population is about 1%, mainly among the Tamil community in the Northern and Eastern provinces. Hinduism has a significant historical and cultural influence in the region.


Hindus constitute around 1% of the population in Mauritius, contributing to the island's multicultural society. Hindu festivals like Diwali are widely celebrated.


In Indonesia, particularly in Bali, the Hindu population is around 1%. Balinese Hinduism is unique and deeply rooted in the island's culture and traditions.


While Nepal is predominantly Hindu, some regions within the country have about 1% Hindu population, reflecting its diverse ethnic and religious composition.


Malaysia has a Hindu population of approximately 1%, mostly among the Indian community. Hindu temples and cultural practices are an integral part of Malaysian society.


Myanmar has a small Hindu population of around 1%, primarily descended from Indian immigrants. They maintain their cultural and religious practices despite being a minority.

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