Lingkan Reang 

Different Types Of Chicken Kebabs You Must Try

Juicy, marinated chicken skewers cooked in a tandoor with bold, smoky flavors.

Tandoori Chicken Kebab

 Soft, melt-in-the-mouth minced chicken kebabs infused with aromatic spices, traditionally made for royalty.

Galouti Kebab

 Tender chicken kebabs marinated in creamy yogurt and cashew paste, known for their silky texture.

Reshmi Kebab

 Minced chicken patties mixed with lentils and spices, pan-fried to crispy perfection.

Shami Kebab

Spiced, flattened minced mutton kebabs with a crispy exterior, popular in Afghan and Pakistani cuisine.

Mutton Chapli Kebab

Ground meat spiced with herbs, molded onto skewers, and grilled over an open flame for a smoky taste.

Chicken Seekh Kebab

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