Did You Know? These "Vegetables" Are Botanically Fruits

Samridhi Garg


Though often used as a vegetable, tomatoes are botanically classified as fruits because they develop from the ovary of a flower and contain seeds.


Cucumbers are fruits since they grow from the flowering part of the plant and enclose seeds, even though they are typically prepared as vegetables.

Bell Peppers

Bell peppers, or capsicums, are technically fruits. They develop from the flowering part of the plant and contain seeds inside their fleshy walls.


Also known as courgettes, zucchinis are fruits. They grow from the ovary of a flower and enclose seeds, making them fruit by botanical definition.


Eggplants, or aubergines, are fruits because they contain seeds and develop from the flowering part of the plant, despite being commonly used as a vegetable.


Pumpkins are fruits. They grow from the ovary of a flower and house seeds within their thick, edible flesh.


Avocados are fruits. They grow from the flowering part of the plant and contain a single large seed, despite being often used in savory dishes.

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