Kritika Handa

Did You Know These Facts About The Human Body?

When people engage in close conversation or emotional sharing, their heartbeats can synchronize, reflecting a deep social and emotional connection.

Heartbeat Synchronization

The human skin hosts a diverse ecosystem of microbes, with trillions of bacteria living on and within it, aiding in protection.

Skin’s Microbial Ecosystem

Your entire skeleton regenerates approximately every 10 years, with old bone being absorbed and replaced by new bone tissue.

Bone Regeneration

Just like fingerprints, no two people have the same toe prints, making them unique identifiers, although they're less commonly used.

Unique Fingerprints on Feet

Your stomach lining renews itself every few days to prevent it from digesting itself due to strong digestive acids.

Stomach Lining Renewal

Did you know the human brain uses about 20% of the body's energy, despite being only 2% of body weight?

The Brain’s Energy Demand