Did You Know Drying Clothes Indoors Can Harm Your Health?


Damp clothes attract biological spores indoors, particularly in poorly ventilated or airtight spaces like bedrooms. These spores thrive on moisture, leading to potential health concerns.

Damp Clothes and Spores

Mouldy spores, found in wet or improperly dried clothes, can cause allergies such as sneezing, watery eyes, and respiratory issues. Inhaling these spores poses risks to respiratory health, exacerbating conditions like asthma.

Health Risks of Mouldy Spores

Aspergillus fumigatus spores, a common fungal mould, are microscopic and can cause severe lung infections when inhaled, particularly in humid environments and among vulnerable individuals.

Aspergillus fumigatus Spore

Humid rooms and moisture from drying clothes create ideal conditions for fungal growth, affecting asthma patients and causing sudden eczema in children and healthy family members alike.

Impact on Health

Moisture attracts dust mites to clothes, walls, floors, and furniture, contributing to musty odours in homes and potentially exacerbating allergic reactions.

Dust Mites and Moisture

 During the monsoon season, damp conditions can trigger allergic reactions such as wheezing, sneezing, coughing, skin irritation, and sinus problems among family members.

Monsoon Allergies