Deadliest militant group and its earning sources

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Major parts in the world have been victims of terrorism

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Reportedly, 110,000 people have lost their life due to terrorism (between 2007-2017)

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Nations of the middle east, South East Asia, and Africa are facing major militant activities

Source of Revenue: Control over major Oil and Natural gas resources in Iraq, Kidnaping and ransom, Looting cargo ship

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Active country- Lebanon Source of Revenue: Donation, taxes by Shia Ethnic group, Drug Trafficking

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Active country- Across the world Source of Revenue: Voluntary funding, Businessman's from Saudi Arabia

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Al Qaeda 

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Active country- Pakistan and Kashmir under India   Source of Revenue:  Pakistan Intelligence Agency (ISI), Pakistani diaspora in foreign, Big Businessman

Lashkar E Taiba

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Active country- Majorly West Bank and Gaza Strip   Source of Revenue: Donations, Goods taxes, Businesses
