Countries with the Highest Average IQ

Rishika Baranwal

Unveiling the Smartest Nations

Discover which countries boast the highest average IQs, showcasing a blend of genetic, environmental, and educational factors that foster cognitive excellence.


With an average IQ of 108, Singapore tops the list, thanks to its rigorous education system and culture of academic excellence.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong closely follows with an average IQ of 107, driven by its competitive academic environment and strong emphasis on education.

South Korea

South Korea's average IQ of 106 reflects its robust education framework and focus on STEM, making it a leader in technology and research.


Japan, with an average IQ of 105, combines traditional educational values with modern techniques, fostering a culture of continuous learning.


Taiwan boasts an average IQ of 104, thanks to its rigorous educational system emphasizing critical thinking and creativity.


China's average IQ of 104 is supported by its extensive investment in education, particularly in mathematics and sciences.


Switzerland, with an average IQ of 103, leads Europe with its high-quality education system and emphasis on multilingualism and innovation.

Champions of Cognitive Excellence

These nations exemplify how strong educational systems and cultural emphasis on learning contribute to high average IQs, positioning them as intellectual leaders globally.