Prashant Mishra

Common Habits That Can Damage Your Brain

Chronic lack of sleep can impair cognitive function, memory and concentration. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to maintain brain health.

Lack of sleep

Poor Nutrition

Consuming large amounts of sugar, unhealthy fats and processed foods can cause inflammation and impaired brain function. 

Smoking introduces toxins into the body that can damage brain cells and reduce oxygen supply to the brain, causing cognitive decline.


Excessive alcohol consumption

Heavy drinking can cause the brain to shrink and negatively affect memory, coordination and cognitive abilities. Drink in moderation, if at all.

Chronic Stress

Long-term stress can increase cortisol levels, which can damage brain cells and shrink the brain's prefrontal cortex, affecting decision-making and memory.

Lack of exercise

A sedentary lifestyle can reduce blood flow to the brain, which affects brain activity. Regular exercise promotes brain health by improving circulation and reducing inflammation.

 Skipping Breakfast

Skipping breakfast can lead to low blood sugar, which affects brain function and energy. A nutritious breakfast supports cognitive function and overall brain health.