Chocolate Day 2023: 10 Types of chocolates  to give your loved ones

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Milk Chocolate The most popular kind of chocolate is probably milk chocolate. In reality, it only has ten to forty per cent cacao blended with sugar and milk.

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White Chocolate Other than cocoa butter, white chocolate is completely devoid of chocolate liquor. It tastes more like creamy vanilla than strongly chocolatey.

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Dark Chocolate Sugar, cocoa butter, and chocolate liquor  are all ingredients in dark chocolate. Lecithin serves  as an emulsifier, vanilla adds taste, and both  are frequently used.

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Semisweet Chocolate Although there are no official rules dictating what qualifies as “semisweet,” semisweet chocolate must contain at least 35 percent cocoa solids. Semisweet dark chocolate sits between bittersweet and sweet chocolate.

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Bittersweet Chocolate According to the FDA, bittersweet chocolate  must have at least 35 percent cocoa by weight,  however, most bars only have 50 percent cocoa,  while some have as much as 80 percent.

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Unsweetened Chocolate (or Baking Chocolate) Chocolate without sugar is exactly what its name suggests. It is a pure chocolate liquor  created solely from cocoa beans that have been pulverised. Because it is not intended for standalone eating, it is sometimes known as baking chocolate.

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Cocoa Powder The cocoa butter has been removed from cocoa powder, which is similarly made of 100% cacao and no sugar. Despite being highly bitter, cocoa powder is frequently used in recipes.

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Sweet German Chocolate A guy by the name of Samuel German invented the  dark-baking chocolate that bears his name.  To make this chocolate practical for bakers,  he directly added sugar to it.

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Couverture Chocolate The pricey variety of chocolate called couverture has a higher cocoa butter content than other types. It melts rapidly and uniformly due to the high cocoa butter concentration, making it ideal for tempering and the creation of chocolates.

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Ruby Chocolate The newest type of chocolate is called ruby,  and it was created in China in September 2017.  Its rose colour comes from ruby cocoa beans that  are grown naturally in Ecuador and Brazil.