
Cherry Blossom Wonderland: Must-Visit Destinations Around The World

Every spring, Japan transforms into a pink paradise with cherry blossoms (sakura) in full bloom.

Japan – The Heart Of Sakura

Washington D.C. 

In Washington D.C, the cherry blossom is must see in spring. It is beautiful country to vist in spring season.

China’s Wuhan is known for its large cherry blossom parks, with thousands of trees creating grace.

China - The Cherry Blossoms

In South Korea, the ancient city of Gyeongju comes alive with cherry blossoms every spring. 

South Korea Cherry Blossom

During cherry blossom season, the city’s palaces and temples are surrounded by a sea of pink blooms."

South Korea - Gyeongju Cherry Blossoms

New Zealand is a unique cherry blossom experience in Hagley Park. It is the perfect destination 

New Zealand

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