Check out some home remedies  to nourish the skin

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Our skin is very sensitive and needs special attention. Especially during winter, dryness and pollution reduce the essential oils naturally present in our skin and make it harsh and dry. Hence a proper Winter Skincare routine is necessary.

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But a professional skincare regime is costly and also time-consuming. Worry not! We have listed 5 kitchen items that you can add to your Winter Skincare routine. Have a look

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Banana Bananas are the best natural ingredient for your skin and hair. It helps to cleanse the skin while moisturising it. Mix a mashed banana with honey and apply the face pack to your face to get softer-looking skin.

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Honey It is one of the most powerful ingredients found in Indian kitchens which moisturises the skin and helps to reduce fine lines and other signs of ageing.

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Milk Using raw milk and water on your face gives you supple glowing skin while using it as a pre-conditioner for your hair can help you deal with the frizz and dullness in winter. Mix milk with honey and apply on your face; leave it for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water.

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Aloe Vera Aloe Vera is easily available in almost everyone’s house. Its usefulness is especially felt during winter. Enriched with vitamins E, C and beta-carotene, aloe vera can easily soothe dry and damaged skin and scalp in winter.

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Coconut Oil Coconut oil is an age-old remedy for dry skin, used by our grannies to moms and is still a very essential ingredient in terms of skincare. Not only warm coconut oil is a natural remedy for dry frizzy and dull hair, but it is also enriched with fatty acids that protect the skin from the harshness of winters.

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