Check out 8 easy preparation tips for  JEE Main 2023 repeaters

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Don’t get nervous Students who see the competition around them may develop serious anxiety disorders. But keep in mind that all of this will only bring you closer to your goal, so it will all be worthwhile in the end.

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Evaluate previous attempt(s) It is very important to learn from mistakes,  It helps you to focus more. Write down the  mistakes from the previous attempt, and analyze the performance closely. This will make the  preparation more simple and sorted.

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Develop good study habits Students should opt for good study habits like the Pomodoro technique which means taking a 5-minute break after every 25 minutes.

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Solve question papers Solving past years' papers is essential. Attempt to complete as many question papers as you can to become familiar with the format. By solving test questions, you can identify your flaws and improve.

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Work on Weakness While studying, mark your weakness and  directly focus on them. Always remember,  don't leave anything for the last time.

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Enroll in a JEE Main program/ Test series After preparing themselves well, students can enrol themselves in JEE Main program/ Test series to get a sense of the competition; or to discover their prospective national rank. Attend the test analysis session as well to find any flaws in the tests.

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Prepare all subjects and topics thoroughly It is advisable to give each of the three topics equal time. But it's important to pay greater attention to the weaker chapters and themes.

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Engage in sports or yoga Sports help to keep the metabolism good, They help pupils feel less worn out and exhausted. Sports also help them to focus more and bring more stamina to study for a long period.

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