Check out 7 ways to calm yourself after  having panic attacks

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Pursue Counselling People who experience panic attacks and who have panic disorders can frequently benefit from cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and other forms of treatment.

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Use deep breathing Although hyperventilation and other panic attack symptoms can make people more fearful, deep breathing helps alleviate these symptoms. Pay close attention to inhaling deeply through your nose and allowing the air to gradually fill your chest and belly.

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Close your eyes To filter out the stimulation during a panic attack, close your eyes. You may be able to tune out unwanted stimuli and concentrate more easily on your breathing as a result.

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Practice mindfulness Think about focusing on the comfortable bodily sensations you are currently experiencing, such as feeling the earth beneath your toes or the way your clothes feel against your palms. These specific emotions offer you a firm sense of reality and provide you with a specific target to focus on.

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Find a focus object For some people, finding something to focus all of their attention on during a panic attack might be helpful. Choose something you can clearly see, and carefully record everything you can.

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Use muscle relaxation techniques Using muscular relaxation techniques can aid during an attack to reduce tension and promote calm because tight muscles are a symptom of stress. Using one group of muscles at a time to release tension, progressive muscle relaxation aims to relax the entire body.

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Picture your happy place Using guided visualisation techniques can make you feel less worried and tense. According to the study, both spending time in nature and picturing nature can aid in the management and treatment of anxiety.