Check out 7 things that will help  to increase Appetite

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There is a mental as well as a physical reason behind low appetite. Such persons often appear thin and have  to face the taunts of their people.  Here are some home remedies that will increase your appetite.

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Ginger Mix one teaspoon of coriander and half a teaspoon  of ginger powder in water and heat it until the water reduces to half, then keep it to cool down, after it cools down, drink it like tea and take it daily during the day.

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Celery First, chop a spoonful of celery, chew it well and swallow it, then drink it with lukewarm water. By doing this daily, you will see the difference,  and also start feeling hungry.

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Amla First, cut the amla finely and add water to it  and  grind it, then put it in a cotton cloth and squeeze it, take out the juice, mix the  juice in half a glass of water and drink it daily  on an empty stomach, this will cure the  problem of loss of appetite.

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Tamarind To consume tamarind, soak it in water for a few hours. Add light salt and black pepper to the water, then filter it and drink it.

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Pomegranate juice Take two to three pomegranates and grind them, extract their juice and add honey to it, then let it cool for a while. Drink it after it cools down. Keep in mind that the pomegranate should be fresh.

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Lemon Squeeze lemon in a glass of lukewarm water and  drink it every morning on an empty stomach. By doing this daily, the difference will be seen soon.