Check out 6 things to keep  yourself warm in winter

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Many people feel cold even after wearing  warm clothes, for those here is a list of things  that will help you to keep your body warm  in winter.

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Figs Figs are a great food item that can help keep you warm during winter. It will not just  keep your body warm, but also not allow  anaemia to enter the body.

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Cashew Cashew is considered one of the hot foods  and is full of calories. To keep the body temperature regular in the cold, more calories  are required. Cashews provide calories, due to which the body remains healthy.

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Almonds Eating almonds is considered good in the winter season. Although they are also  considered good for the brain, due to vitamins and many nutrients, it is beneficial for immunity  in winter, so 4 to 5 almonds should be  consumed daily.

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Citrus Fruits Consuming citrus fruits in winter is  considered beneficial. Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, lemons and limes, are  rich in vitamin C. Citrus fruits help in  boosting immunity along with the skin.

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Eggs Eggs contain many nutrients which are  very beneficial for the body. They are  considered the best source of protein.  Eating eggs in winter gives warmth to the body, and also protects you from cold.

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Dates As soon as winter came, dates started  available in the market. They are very  beneficial for health consumption in winter.  Many nutrients are seen in this, including phosphorus, calcium, and fibre.