Zainab Khanam

Cat Myths Debunked: What’s True And What’s Not?

Cats are often misunderstood, surrounded by myths and misconceptions that have persisted for years. 

Uncover The Truth Behind 7 Common Cat Myths

Myth: Milk Is Good For Cats

Truth:  Most cats are lactose intolerant, and giving them milk can lead to digestive issues.

Myth: Cats Have Nine Lives

Truth:  Cats are agile and clever, but they’re not invincible. Like all living creatures, they only have one life.

Myth: Cats Purr Only When They’re Happy

Truth: Cats purr for various reasons, including when they’re stressed, in pain, or seeking comfort.

Myth: All Cats Hate Water

Truth:  While many cats dislike getting wet, some breeds like the Turkish Van enjoy playing in water.

Myth: Cats Can See in Complete Darkness

Truth:  Cats have excellent night vision, but they still need some light to see. They can’t see in total darkness.

Myth: Cats Are Solitary and Don’t Need Companionship

Truth:  While independent, many cats enjoy human company and can get lonely if left alone for too long.

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